The Bookshop Podcast
The Bookshop Podcast
Stephanie Cotsirilos, Author
In this episode, I'm chatting with author Stephanie Cotsirilos about her novella My Xanthi, Greek heritage, The Writer's Hotel, and books!
Stephanie Cotsirilos is an essayist in the anthology of New England writers, Breaking Bread (Beacon Press), and was published finalist in Mississippi Review’s Prize in Fiction. Twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize, her work has appeared in numerous print and online venues, including McSweeney’s, The New Guard, New Millennium Writings, Brilliant Flash Fiction, and various media. In 2021, she was awarded the Patrice Krant fellowship in residence at Storyknife’s inaugural retreat for women writers in Alaska. Stephanie’s novella is titled My Xanthi, published with Los Galesburg Press.
My Xanthi, Stephanie Cotsirilos
Night of the Living Rez, Morgan Talty