The Bookshop Podcast
The Bookshop Podcast
Bookshop Santa Cruz & Jill Wolfson
1987 proved to be a year of major change for me. It was the year I worked with the exceptional David Bowie as the stylist on the music video Day in, Day Out, directed by Julian Temple, and after a lot of coaxing, I joined Bowie and the rest of the crew on the Glass Spider Tour. I left the tour after a few months for a variety of reasons, some related to incidents that occurred on the road, the stress of which did little to maintain my recent sobriety.
1987 was also the year I met my husband, Brian Beverly. We met on the set of an Eddie Money music video—an all-nighter, well, two actually, shot in an alley Downtown LA, with, of course, a rainmaker and fog machine…lots of fog. This was, after all, a David Fincher shoot where the atmosphere is crucial.
So how does my story relate to this episode of The Bookshop Podcast? How did I get from music videos to bookshops, books, and authors? Well, you’ll need to listen to find out.
Join me in Santa Cruz, California, while I chat with Casey Coonerty Protti at Bookshop Santa Cruz and local author Jill Wolfson.
Here’s a list of links, authors, and books mentioned in this podcast.
· Ibram X. Kendi How to be an anti-racist
· Maggie O'Farrell Hamnet
· Somebody Else’s Children The Courts, the Kids, and the Struggle to Save America's Troubled Families
· Home, and Other Big, Fat Lies
· Furious
· Lucas And Sarah This American Life
· Bay Area Parent Jill Wolfson editor
· Brian Beverly Music